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Skin Cancer Removal


Skin cancer can look like moles, eczema, or other benign lesions. In this way, knowing the skin well and knowing in which regions there are spots, makes all the difference when detecting any irregularity, but it is important to always be aware of symptoms such as:

• Raised, shiny, translucent, reddish, brown, pink, or multicolored skin lesions with a central crust that bleeds easily;

• Black or brown spots that change their color, texture, become jagged at the edges and grow in size;

• Spots or sores that do not heal, that continue to grow, become itchy, crusty, crusty, or bleed.

In addition to all these signs and symptoms, metastatic melanomas may have others, which vary according to the area where the cancer has advanced.

When patients have these signs or symptoms, the lesion must be removed.

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