(Laser, Vaser, Argon Plasma, J. Plasma)
Men and women can improve their body contour.
Liposuction is the removal of fatty tissue from a part of the body.
It is a minimally invasive and fast-acting technique, which has the same objective, indications, and results of traditional liposuction, acting against localized fat and cellulite. The procedure is done by heating the fat cells, by laser or by vaser (ultrasound technology) facilitating their elimination by the body itself and, by removing excess fat, it does not leave the skin flaccid.
How does it work ?
The method is performed introducing through an optical fiber or small canula (vaser), from a micro-orifice in the skin, one of which acts by melting the fat and the other generating compression of the skin, leaving it firmer and preventing skin sagging, common after traditional liposuction. With this, the laser reaches the fat cell, heating it and causing it to break.
When there is little localized fat, it is released and eliminated, over time, by the body itself. When the area is more extensive, the fat is aspirated in the same procedure, through very thin cannulas, which generates much less trauma than liposuction. In simpler cases, with less extensive area, it can be performed in the office itself.
It is worth mentioning that it is not indicated for weight loss or excessive weight loss, as it only treats localized fat and not diffuse, with mild to moderate sagging. For areas with very large sagging, it is necessary to resort to procedures that also remove excess skin. It is always advisable to look for a trusted professional who specializes in the method.
Liposculpture is liposuction performed on different parts of the body and may be associated with lipoinjection or fat grafting (use of extracted fat to enlarge a deficient area, such as the buttocks).
This surgery can be performed alone or associated with others, such as an abdominal or breast lift.
Argon Plasma: This is a device that can be applied under skin, using the same incision used for liposuction. This technology increases the tightening of skin. The probe delivers a jet of ionized gas that goes directly to the tissue, improving the final result, cooperating to restore skin elasticity.
J Plasma (Renuvion): This is another technology that improves some loosing skin. It can be used during liposuction with a handpiece that is introduced using helium gas and radiofrequency energy to create cold helium plasma, which stimulates collagen production and immediate tightening skin.
Vaser (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance): This is an ultrasound technology that uses powerful waves that break down and melt fat cells, making them easier to remove from the body. Vaser canula is like a canula of liposuction. After spread the Vaser inside of the tissue, the fat easily extracted. Can be used in many places of the body and combined with another technology too.